You can use our service into any software that support De-Captcher, Captchaboss, Humancoder, Bypasscaptcha, Decaptcher and ExpertDecoders API.

[Recommended] ExpertDecoders/Captchaboss/HumanCoder API:

If your software implemented any of our API (ExpertDecoders, Captchaboss or Humancoder), simple select our service and use your access key, all captcha will be solved by our service. API:

If your software did not implemented our API, You can use our service by API. You will use your Access key from our website and Add our server IP to host file  How to add our IP to use BypassCaptcha API

Decaptcher API:

If your software did not implemented our API and Bypasscaptcha API, your last option is to use De-captcher API. You will need to add our server IP to host file visit this page for details.

For any help, do not hesitate to contact us.